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What is the best time of day to mow your Wisconsin lawn?

by editor on March 25, 2011

Lawn mowing might seem like a mindless task, but since your Wisconsin lawn is a living organism, it actually does need careful attention in order to thrive. Just how and when you mow your grass is a pretty important detail in your Wisconsin lawn care regimen. So when is the best time of day to mow your Wisconsin lawn?

The perfect time of day for Wisconsin lawn mowing generally depends on the area you live in. Any part of the country that isn’t in an arid climate experiences morning dew. Because of this phenomenon, mornings generally are not a good time to cut your grass. The dew causes the Wisconsin lawn shoot to clog and the blades will be duller with wet grass clinging to them. So keep your mornings for other gardening tasks and leave the Wisconsin lawn mower alone.

Afternoon seems like an ideal time since the sun is up and the grass has had time to dry. However, if you mow your Wisconsin lawn in the afternoon, the grass will experience double stress. The sun is already a Wisconsin lawn stressor, especially if grass has grown too high. Cutting the tops of the blades will allow the sun to be exposed upon vulnerable parts of the grass. Additionally, Wisconsin lawn mowing is in itself causing stress to your Wisconsin lawn. Lawns that are stressed will be noticeable. So although afternoon might seem like a good time to get out the Wisconsin lawn mower, keep it parked for just a bit longer.

Evenings are a time when you want to wind down and relax. But once or twice a week you might need to sacrifice your down time after work and bring out the mower. The evening is the perfect time for cutting grass because the sun is not as hot, the grass is dry and after the stress of being mowed, it will have time to heal overnight without additional stress from heat.

Don’t take mowing your Wisconsin lawn lightly. For optimal results, give your Wisconsin lawn the TLC it deserves.

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